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Firing the Silver Bullet


  • This little kiln was built to help with the design and test of the WatchDog Sensors, but has evolved to become a very useful way to do up to Cone 10 firings with a small test load.  This has already preempted some combinations from ending up on production loads that would have low­ered yield and quality!




Good Firing!

  • I Forgot to put in cones, so by accident this was the first firing that Watchdog was 100% the deciding factor on when firing was complete.

  • It is working nicely to put a top shelf on just an inch or two below the Kaowool "roof".  This keeps junk on out the glaze and helps stabize firing / gas flow.

  • We hit it just right!  Glazes mature, but not over-fired - Coleman was just beginning to stick to shelves, which tells me we hit C10.

  • On this firing reduction was not necessary (we were testing oxy-happy glazes)

  • The first temperature ramp is accomplished with just the left burner ignited, turned up only once to a bit above 3".

  • Quartz inversion happens at 1064F.  So I kept only one burner on until well into the 1100's.

  • At 1100: Increase gas to 6 inches and light the second burner.  Gas  should  come in just under 3 inches w/ both burners going.

  • Silver bullet is just about at its top limit for C10, so a gentle ramp / soak comes naturally.

  • To slow things down a bit I plugged both side air intakes, cranked in on the venturi valves (3mm) and dampered in.  This slowed the kiln down a bit and put it in reduction.

  • I think next time I should do that a little earlier in the process.


Look at what we can do with just Mason Stains, CMC and Coleman Clear! Robin now dips a brush in CMC, Mixes with a bit of dry ma­son stain and paints it on. Use CMC to seal, then airbrush on the Coleman Clear. *** Look at what we can do with just Mason Stains, CMC and Coleman Clear! Robin now dips a brush in CMC, Mixes with a bit of dry ma­son stain and paints it on. Use CMC to seal, then airbrush on the Coleman Clear. *** Look at what we can do with just Mason Stains, CMC and Coleman Clear!

No Blue. Hmm. This was 5% Blue Caledon Mason Stain. Perhaps the Oxygen rich firing was partly to blame.

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Robin Smith - Studio Owner   |   |   Home 503.357.8225   |   Cell 503.819.5569

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