Summary observations:
The sensors lasted just fine throughout the firing (unlike the sniffers, which have a tendency to drop out near the end of the firing).
Our "yellow" sensor continues to be over-sensitive, as it rails out (for lack of better words) far sooner than the white and blue sensors.
TODO / Brainstorm:
Somehow we need to measure resistance in a nuetral environment all the way up to 2400F. Build a test kiln, use the electric kiln
We know now that resistance of the Alumina rod goes way down during the firing. Could this be the cause of the slow ramp in conductivity after the body reduction, or is it a true indication of CO in the kiln??
Build some more sensors and see if we can find a way to get them to perform more uniformly. Go forward with EPK as a binder, and use larger amounts so we can control the ratio and water level better.
Do the math to figure out the actual resistance range and make sure that the decreased resistance of the alumina is not becoming a real factor / issue. Set up in the lab again and measure the current when we are around 800mV.
Use multi-meter to measure current on the next firing. This will help insure that we are calculating resistance correctly.
Use a CO calibration gas supply somehow??